For many, a programmer is a dream profession. Young (and not so) people storm the admissions offices of technical universities, study video tutorials, and laugh at clever jokes in the “Typical Programmer” communities and the like.
Moreover, many people study programming at universities and training centers, sincerely believing that the cherished crust will open the doors to an exciting profession. Company representatives will line up to get a newly minted specialist in their staff. This is rarely the case. And the reason for this is the mistakes made by the programmers themselves.
I recalled many statements by employers and teachers throughout my programming journey and came up with 5 signs by which they distinguish a good programmer from a bad one.
1. Lack of self-discipline
What you can do:
2. Going to extremes
What you can do:
What you can do:
4. Reluctance to learn
What you can do:
Moreover, many people study programming at universities and training centers, sincerely believing that the cherished crust will open the doors to an exciting profession. Company representatives will line up to get a newly minted specialist in their staff. This is rarely the case. And the reason for this is the mistakes made by the programmers themselves.
I recalled many statements by employers and teachers throughout my programming journey and came up with 5 signs by which they distinguish a good programmer from a bad one.
1. Lack of self-discipline
It has been said many times, but I will repeat it: programming is not only creativity but also hard work that requires perseverance, patience, and the ability to organize your workflow.
Can’t sit in your chair for more than 30 minutes of coding? This is not required — in the end, it can harm your health. Take a break, have some tea. The main thing is functionality — the task must be done, errors must be fixed, and all the code must be clean and up-to-date.
Can’t sit in your chair for more than 30 minutes of coding? This is not required — in the end, it can harm your health. Take a break, have some tea. The main thing is functionality — the task must be done, errors must be fixed, and all the code must be clean and up-to-date.
What you can do:
Discipline yourself. Plan time for work and leisure. Read about the Pomodoro technique — it helps many to increase the productivity of personal labor.
2. Going to extremes
I often have to deal with someone else’s code that does not compile. What would a bad programmer do in this case? Erase everything and start writing again. This is fraught with several things:
The risk of aggravating the situation. By the way, an overly self-confident programmer does not like it very much when he is caught by the hand when making a mistake.
Depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn by parsing someone else’s code, even if it is not working. Being able to read another person’s code is a great skill.
The risk of aggravating the situation. By the way, an overly self-confident programmer does not like it very much when he is caught by the hand when making a mistake.
Depriving yourself of the opportunity to learn by parsing someone else’s code, even if it is not working. Being able to read another person’s code is a great skill.
What you can do:
Don’t go to extremes. Learn to work autonomously and in a team. Soak up new experiences, even if you consider yourself the coolest programmer on the team.
3. Inability to build algorithms
There is an opinion: a bad programmer immediately writes code, and a good one first builds the architecture of the project. It isn't easy to disagree with this. Over the years of working, I have made sure that as a programmer, I have not developed the habit of carefully considering and structuring the task they face and only then taking on its solution. This also applies to developing a commenting system in PHP, a calculator in Delphi, and even writing the notorious “Hello, World!” on any YP.
What you can do:
Develop structural thinking. Always break down a large task into sub-tasks. Think out loud about the code. Draw diagrams of the future project on paper. And only then open the editor. So you, of course, will not get rid of bugs and “crutches” completely, but at least reduce their number.
4. Reluctance to learn
The field of programming is evolving daily, and using old methods (even if they are still working) is not a sign of a good specialist.
What you can do:
Stay tuned. Read new books from the field you are studying. Browse themed blogs. Participate in discussions, and don’t be afraid to seem stupid.
5. Failure to complete projects
So you started learning to program. It commands respect. If you do it yourself, then you deserve doubly respect. One morning you pick up a heavy book and start reading. When you get to the exercises, you decide that you can skip them (it seems that the material is clear anyway), then you skip several chapters, and after a week, you realize that you have already forgotten where this book is. All — the matter has not been brought to an end. Did you recognize yourself? Fix it quickly.
What you can do:
In programming, the process is important, but the result is just as important. You MUST find the answer to the question posed. You MUST solve the problem that the teacher or the author of the textbook set for you. You MUST complete the project. One day, “getting things done” will become a habit, and you will be a pro.
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good developer vs bad developer
how to deal with bad developers
signs of a bad programmer
what it takes to be a good programmer
what makes a good developer
why are some programmers better than others