Top 15 Laravel Interview Questions and Answers - the best interview questions

Top 15 Laravel Interview Questions and Answers - the best interview questions

1. What is Laravel Framework?

Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework. It is a very well documented, expressive, and easy to learn framework. Laravel is very developer-friendly as the framework can help beginners as well as advanced users. As you grow as a developer you can go more deep into Laravel functionalities and give more robust and enterprise solutions.

Additionally, the framework is very scalable as you can use packages like Vapor to handle hundreds of thousands of requests using AWS serverless technology.

This article will walk you through basic Laravel interview questions to advanced questions.

2. Define Composer.

Composer is the package manager for the framework. It helps in adding new packages from the huge community into your laravel application.

3. What is the templating engine used in Laravel?

The templating engine used in Laravel is Blade. The blade gives the ability to use its mustache-like syntax with the plain PHP and gets compiled into plain PHP and cached until any other change happens in the blade file. The blade file has .blade.php extension.

4. What are available databases supported by Laravel?

The supported databases in laravel are:
SQL Server

5. What is an artisan?

Artisan is the command-line tool for Laravel to help the developer build the application. You can enter the below command to get all the available commands:

PHP artisan list: Artisan command can help in creating the files using the make command. Some of the useful make commands are listed below:

php artisan make:controller - Make Controller file

php artisan make:model - Make a Model file

php artisan make:migration - Make Migration file

php artisan make:seeder - Make Seeder file

php artisan make:factory - Make Factory file

php artisan make:policy - Make Policy file

php artisan make:command - Make a new artisan command

6. How to define environment variables in Laravel?

The environment variables can be defined in the .env file in the project directory. A brand new laravel application comes with a .env.example and while installing we copy this file and rename it to .env and all the environment variables will be defined here.
Some of the examples of environment variables are APP_ENV, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, etc.

7. Can we use Laravel for Full Stack Development (Frontend + Backend)?

Laravel is the best choice to make progressive, scalable full-stack web applications. Full-stack web applications can have a backend in laravel and the frontend can be made using blade files or SPAs using Vue.js as it is provided by default. But it can also be used to just provide rest APIs to a SPA application.

Hence, Laravel can be used to make full-stack applications or just the backend APIs only.

8. How to put Laravel applications in maintenance mode?

Maintenance mode is used to put a maintenance page to customers and under the hood, we can do software updates, bug fixes, etc. Laravel applications can be put into maintenance mode using the below command:

php artisan down

And can put the application again on live using the below command:

php artisan up

Also, it is possible to access the website in maintenance mode by whitelisting particular IPs.

9. What are the default route files in Laravel?

Below are the four default route files in the routes folder in Laravel:

web.php - For registering web routes.
api.php - For registering API routes.
console.php - For registering closure-based console commands.
channel.php - For registering all your event broadcasting channels that your application supports.

10. What are migrations in Laravel?

In simple, Migrations are used to create database schemas in Laravel. In migration files, we store which table to create, update or delete.

Each migration file is stored with its timestamp of creation to keep track of the order in which it was created. As migrations go up with your code in GitHub, GitLab, etc, whenever anyone clones your project they can run `PHP artisan migrate` to run those migrations to create the database in their environment.

11. What are seeders in Laravel?

Seeders in Laravel are used to put data in the database tables automatically. After running migrations to create the tables, we can run `php artisan db:seed` to run the seeder to populate the database tables.

We can create a new Seeder using the below artisan command:

php artisan make:seeder [className]

12. What are factories in Laravel?

Factories are a way to put values in fields of a particular model automatically. Like, for testing when we add multiple fake records in the database, we can use factories to generate a class for each model and put data in fields accordingly. Every new laravel application comes with database/factories/UserFactory.php

13. How to implement soft delete in Laravel?

Soft Delete means when any data row is deleted by any means in the database, we are not deleting the data but adding a timestamp of deletion.

14. What are Models?

With Laravel, each database table can have a model representation using a model file which can be used to interact with that table using Laravel Eloquent ORM.

We can create a model using this artisan command:

php artisan make:model Post

This will create a file in the models’ directory

15. What is Eloquent in Laravel?

Eloquent is the ORM used to interact with the database using Model classes. It gives handy methods on class objects to make a query on the database.

It can directly be used to retrieve data from any table and run any raw query. But in conjunction with Models, we can make use of its various methods and also make use of relationships and attributes defined on the model.

Some examples of using the Eloquent are below:

`User::where(‘name’, ‘=’, ‘Eloquent’)->get()`

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